Well here we are, I'm 41 weeks tomorrow! I never thought I would make it this long. I have an appointment tomorrow as well as my 3rd NST (Stress test). I cant even express to you enough how badly I'm ready for our little guy to be here. These last few weeks have been so challenging mentally, emotionally and physically. I've had some swelling in my feet/ankles and legs and my blood pressure has been on a roller coaster, up and down! Luckily baby boy is fine and all my blood/urine has come back negative so momma is healthy too. Tomorrow Marcus will be issued an eviction notice from my OB, I hope and pray she gives us a few extra days to see if he decides to come on his own or if we will need medical intervention. Monday I lost my mucus plug and I have had random contractions/cramps but they haven't led to anything. Lots of thoughts and prayers are welcomed.
40wk 1day and I wake up with swelling for the first time in my pregnancy.
Chris and Katie
You are handling this time BEAUTIFULLY Katie. I completely understand what you are going through since I was 8 days late with Ava myself! I cant wait to get a text soon to see how the appt went today! I love you tons and cant wait to see the amazing momma you will become!