Friday, May 31, 2013

A month in photos [May]


Mothers Day 13' and Boise!

I know I have fallen way behind, but I promise all for good reasons! Lots of catching up to do from a very exciting summer and a big announcement.
In May I celebrated my 2nd Mother days. Chris made it extra special. He took my beautiful Grandmother, mom, myself and Marcus out to a tasty breakfast and later that evening we continued our Mothers day tradition of having a tasty sushi dinner at Blue Nami. Some might consider it simple, nothing special but it was everything I wanted!
Later in the month of May my mom and I had the opportunity to catch a flight to Boise and watch auntie Kim graduate from Boise State with her degree. I am beyond proud of her! Growing up Auntie Kim was always one of my biggest role models and things haven’t changed, she still continues to inspire me. I’m so happy we were able to be there and share such a special day with her.



 Until next time, Boise! Much love, as always!