Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day 2012

I must say this was probably my most favorite Valentines days, EVER! I had two Valentines (Chris and Marcus, of course!) and I spent the entire day with my little love and then had a wonderful evening here at home with both my boys. Holidays are pretty low key with a baby but that's just fine with me! I made a delicious dinner that consisted of; Shrimp Fettuccini Alfredo, Lobster tails, Garlic Bread, Peas and for dessert chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of wine (we saved dessert for after little man went to bed).
Chris got me the diaper bag I've been drooling over:
Its funny, I've traded in my coach handbags for diaper bags! I wouldnt have it any other way. I got Chris a box of his most faveorite chocolates and his watch polished and fixed since its broke a few days ago. All in all it was a great day!
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day! I'm going to leave you with a super sweet photo of my little man and his gf Olivia, they are the cutest couple!
Photo taken by my most faveorite photographer and bff; Kathleen!

Chris and Katie

and another year makes 32!

Chris turned 32 on the 8th and in honor of that I figured I would list 32 reasons why I love him, this will be easy since there are a million reasons why I love this man!

1.You’re my husband
2.You’re my very best friend!
3.You’re my protector
4.You’re my lover
5.You’re my strength
6.You’re my provider
7.You’re an amazing father
8.You’re loyal
9.You’re honest
10.You’re kind
11.You’re strong
12.You’re brave
13.You’re hard working
14.You’re intelligent
15.You’re loving
16.You’re caring
17.You’re compassionate
18.You’re courageous
19.You’re determined
20.You’re hilarious
21.You have the most amazing blue eyes
22.You have a heart of gold
23.You always know just what to say
24.You complete me
25.You never give up
26.You have made my every dream come true
27.You have an amazing butt (sorry Mom, Dad and Grandma)
28.You always put Marcus and I before yourself
29.You give the best hugs and kisses
30.You put your all into everything
31.You don’t have one selfish bone in your body
32.You are you! Unique, one of a kind and I love you!

Happy 32 birthday baby! I love you so much.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saving Money

Saving money has become a hobby of mine since little man arrived, I mean who doesn’t like to save money?!? Chris and I set some pretty large goals for ourselves this year (getting into a house is #1!) so we are doing anything and everything to save money where we can. Coupons! I have no idea why everyone doesn’t use them, its like free money. I was so proud of myself last week with the money I saved us that I had to share. Now, I’m not going to bore you with the grocery items but you have to check these out..

DIAPERS! These things add up quickly. A fellow mommy from the August mommy group that you have heard me talk about before sent me some Huggies coupons, I was out early the next morning to take advantage of this amazing deal!

Now, we are typically a Pampers family (soon to be a cloth diaper family) but I couldnt pass this deal up! I got 206 diapers for $10.37 thats a savings of $48! Holy smokes!
Now brace yourself for this! I got this Little Tykes Police car (for little mans first birthday) for only $11. 56!

I had a $50 off a $50 or more purchase from JcPenny's! I spent more on S/H then I did on the item! I cant wait for little man to spend many hours playing with his new car in the next couple years.

Chris and Katie