Sunday, December 29, 2013

29 weeks!

29 weeks!

- How far along? 29 weeks.

- How big is baby? The size of an acorn squash. Baby girl already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs roughly about 2.5 to 3.0.


- Total weight gain/loss? Up 9lbs. total! Amazing!

- Maternity clothes? Yes, of course!

- Gender? GIRL!

- Movement? Tons, she likes to kick Chris’s hand whenever he pushes on her.

- Sleep? Really good this week, I just want more of it.

- Cravings/aversions? Taco bell! I only had it once, maybe twice come the end of today.

- Symptoms? STILL nauseous with smells, vomiting here and there.

- Things that happened this week? CHRISTMAS, my birthday and a 3D ultrasound (blogs to come!).

- The differences between my pregnancies: The list continues to grow.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Hampton clan!

Christmas this year was probably one of my favorites by far. Growing up I was always spoiled on Christmas, I hated having a broken family but I always enjoyed two Christmases. When I say that please don’t think it’s because I was a greedy child who just wanted more and more gifts because that wasn’t even it. I love all the traditions that come with Christmas. I got to decorate TWO Christmas Trees, I got to go Christmas light looking every single weekend, Hot chocolate was in my daily diet, I got to decorate cookies for Santa twice, I went to the snow on two separate occasions and made many adored memories with both sides of my family. Now it wasn’t by any means an ideal situation and I would never want it for my children but it worked for me.

Now that I’m a parent I really enjoy being able to create all new memories, memories for my child soon to be children. I took several things that I always looked forward to and enjoyed as a child and incorporated them into our family traditions. All of this makes for a very Merry Hampton Christmas!

This year I was pretty sick, I had a terrible virus but I made sure the show still went on.

Christmas Eve afternoon we had a very tasty Red Lobster lunch with my beautiful Grandmother, Uncle Herk (who we sadly don’t get to see very often), my Mom, Marcus and I. Chris sadly had to work. We sat for a good couple hours catching up, breaking bread and just enjoying each others company.

Christmas eve night my mom came over, I had planned a nice formal dinner but because I was so under the weather I had very little energy to cook and I’m pretty sure no one would have wanted to eat my germ ridden meal. Chinese takeout it was, and boy was it tasty! The highlight of the evening was Marcus man’s new jeep that my mom got him, he loved/loves that’s thing! After my mom left that evening we gave Marcus a bath and dressed him in his adorable Christmas Eve jammies, left milk and cookies for Santa (we ate a few ourselves) read “The night before Christmas” tucked our little man into bed and went to bed ourselves to rest up for the following day’s actives.


Christmas morning was so much fun, Marcus was really into opening gifts. We spent a good 3 hours opening gifts, it was a slow process, Marcus wanted to open every toy and play for a bit before we moved on to the next.
After our Christmas extravaganza at home we went and visited Chris's family for a few hours and later had my Dad and Terry over for dessert and gifts.
I may not have felt very well but it was a wonderful day, a day I will never forget. Seeing Christmas through your childs eyes is such a beautiful thing, I cant wait for the many more Christmas mornings to come.
Chris and Katie


Sunday, December 22, 2013


Every year for the last 4 years I have taken the girls I use to nanny for out to Red Robin (YUUUUMMM!!), Christmas light looking at Dovewood Court. in Orangevale and hot chocolate after. The last 3 of those years have included Marcus.
This year was extra fun, Marcus was really into the lights, we got to dance under a snowmachine (we believe it was a new addition this year) and walked the court (last year it rained).
We can't wait for next year when the tradionton continues and my little girls is here is join in on the fun.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

28 weeks!

28 weeks!
- How far along? 28 weeks.

- How big is baby? The size of an eggplant. Baby girl now weighs in (around) 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches.

- Total weight gain/loss? I’m pretty proud of myself. Dropped 2 of the 3 I gained last week. Drank lots of water and made more healthy choices, not an easy task during the month of December! Basically, I totally avoided the staff room at work.

- Maternity clothes? Yes, of course!

- Gender? GIRL!

- Movement? Yep! I’ll be sad when she gets so big that she runs out of room and movements slow down.

- Sleep? Getting somewhat better. I wish I would stop trying to roll onto my back though; I wake up in the middle of the night sore because I’m laying on it.

- Cravings/aversions? Green bean casserole, yum!

- Symptoms? STILL nauseous with smells, vomiting here and there.

- Things that happened this week? Made better food choices. Sorted through lots of clothes that have been given to us for baby girl and had a holiday dinner with Chris’s family (that’s when the photos were taken).

- The differences between my pregnancies: The list continues to grow.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

27 weeks!

27 weeks
- How far along? 27 weeks.
- How big is baby? The size of a rutabaga. I had no idea what a rutabaga was until I searched it. Basically she is 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds. Grow baby girl, grow!
- Total weight gain/loss? Yikes, well I gained 3lbs this last week. I drank a crazy amount of cranberry juice not eve thinking about the amount of sugar I consumed. I cried at my prenatal check up when I weighed in. I made a mistake, I learned from it…no more cranberry juice! Back to water next week.
- Maternity clothes? Yes, of course!
- Gender? GIRL!
- Movement? Yep! Some kicks, twists and turns can be a little uncomfortable.
- Sleep? No change. I wish I was getting more.
- Cravings/aversions? Cranberry juice, but after this week that’s done for.
- Symptoms? STILL nauseous with smells, vomiting here and there.
- Things that happened this week? Nothing new really.
- The differences between my pregnancies: The list continues to grow.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

26 weeks!


26 weeks!
- How far along? 26 weeks.
- How big is baby? The size of a head of lettuce.
- Total weight gain/loss? Same as last week so 0/8, I’ve gained the 8 I lost in the first several weeks of pregnancy. No change.
- Maternity clothes? Of course. This is a shirt from last pregnancy actually.
- Gender? GIRL!
- Movement? Tons, she is still one very active little girl. My stomach is really starting to ripple when she moves, I love it!
- Sleep? No change. I wish I was getting more.
- Cravings/aversions? Cranberry juice!
- Symptoms? STILL nauseous with smells, vomiting here and there.
- Things that happened this week? I made my “nesting to do list” oh boy, do I have my work cut out for me! I scheduled little Miss newborn photo shoot and ordered some accessories for the shoot, every girl needs her accessories even if only days old.
- The differences between my pregnancies: The list continues to grow.