Monday, November 7, 2011

Bitter/Sweet day

Well the verdicts in! I didn’t reach this decision the way I had hoped but as of right now Ill be a stay at home mom. This has always been my dream but financial it wasn’t going to be our best move, not yet at least. As most of you know I had been in a long term substitute position at Sylvan Middle school for two years, during this time I fell in love with the staff and most importantly the students. May of last year I got my pink slip notifying be that the position had been cut and that I would need to look elsewhere for work. At the time I received my notice it wasn’t a huge deal since I was due in a few short months. Since little man has arrived a position was added, I applied about a month ago but it was immediately filled by a bumped employee. That applicant/employee turned the job down which then opened it back up. I was beyond excited, I’ve been dreading going back to work but returning to sylvan would make it a lot more manageable. SO I applied and interviewed and didn’t want to get my hopes up but I thought there was a very good chance that I would land the job since I knew the campus, staff, students and the job itself. Boy, was I wrong! I got the call this morning, they choose another candidate with more education and experience then I. This hurts, I felt like I went above and beyond while I was there, I did my job plus I would always volunteer for dances, drove on a field trip, planned and organized our Christmas food baskets and countless other “extras”. I just feel a little unappreciated right now. Chris said something to me this morning after I got the call and he has a point, he said that they actually did me a favor and now I can stay home with Marcus. I agree but it still hurts. If only being a stay at home mom paid I wouldn't feel so much pressure and stress.

Chris and Katie

Coming up:

My favorite fall recipe (with pictures!)

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! Being a stay-at-home mom is my dream! I just need some kiddos to make it happen. I can understand the financial stresses it can bring, but just remember, being a mom is the most important and rewarding job any lady can ever have and you are lucky enough to have it full-time!
